尊嚴勝過麵包; 2011風雲人物 TIMES選出2011年的風雲人物, 是突尼西亞的一位攤販小市民突尼西亞的獨裁政府把生活必需品抬高物價讓小老百姓活不下去這位小市民倒售屋網是政府請願都沒用, 所以他就把當天的事整理完後身上塗了漆, 點火彩. 他媽媽認為他的兒子死的有尊嚴, 她說在突尼西亞, 尊嚴勝過麵包Prelude to the 濾桶RevolutionsIt began in Tunisia, where the dictator's power grabbing and high living crossed a line of shamelessness, and a commonplace bit of 西服government callousness against an ordinary citizen — a 26-year-old street vendor named Mohamed Bouazizi — became the final straw. Bouazizi lived 婚禮佈置in the charmless Tunisian town of Sidi Bouzid, 125 miles south of Tunis. On a Friday morning almost exactly a year ago, he set out for work, 東森房屋selling produce from a cart. Police had hassled Bouazizi routinely for years, his family says, fining him, making him jump through bureaucratic 票貼hoops. On Dec. 17, 2010, a cop started giving him grief yet again. She confiscated his scale and allegedly slapped him. He walked straight to the 辦公室出租provincial-capital building to complain and got no response. At the gate, he drenched himself in paint thinner and lit a match. (See pictures of 酒店兼職Sidi Bouzid.)"My son set himself on fire for dignity," Mannoubia Bouazizi told me when I visited her. "In Tunisia," added her 16-year-old 開幕活動daughter Basma, "dignity is more important than bread."Read more: 租辦公室,28804,2101745_2102132_2102373,00.html #ixzz1h2gpMIGx

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